A downloadable game

The museum archivist has found some old images and notes from a lost excavation! Use the image adjustment features in your phone's photo app (or computer image editing software) to  inspect the images and find the hidden answers to their questions.

Download the images as a zip or download each image individually. (The answer image is obscured so don't worry about downloading it in advance).

The default iOS and Samsung Photos should work well enough, but the google photo's app is too limited, so I'd recommend using Snapseed instead.  You could also use photo editing software on your computer to play the game! All image editing software is different so some may work better than others.

The artefact in the game is inspired by real world artefacts (Pictish Stones). Check the Pictish Links for links to videos & other resources about the Picts & Pictish Art that I found particularly interesting!

Rated 4.7 out of 5 stars
(3 total ratings)
Tags2D, archaeology, Celtic, Folklore, Hand-drawn, Historical, Medieval, Mystery, Short
Average sessionA few minutes
InputsMouse, Touchscreen, Smartphone


all_images.zip 10 MB
1_instructions.png 119 kB
2_notes.png 5 MB
3_front.png 2.4 MB
4_back.png 2.4 MB
5_answers.png 108 kB

Install instructions

Download the zip file and extract the images to your phone or computer. Alternatively you can download the 5 images individually. Use any image editing software to find the answer to the questions (some may work better than others)

Development log


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this is such a clever use of photo editing apps! (i did not heed your comments and tried it on google photos anyway but it did not work that well so i instead used affinity photo & it worked great, though it probably has more features than necessary for this purpose (: )

Thank you! :) I'm glad you managed to figure something out! Yeah it's tricky making something that is played with someone else's software, I didn't actually realize how different all the photo editors were until I started testing some of them out.