Interactive Web Version Released!

I implemented an interactive web version of the game! Basically this just makes playing the game a lot more convenient, you don't have to download anything or use any specific type of software.

You can switch images, do adjustments, write notes and check the answers all in one place! In your browser!

It works on mobile and desktop, Safari does pixelate the images when you apply the adjustments, but it should still be playable.

I still think the concept of using photo editing functions to find stuff is a cool idea but it's unavoidably clunky and inconsistent because it depends a lot on how other software is implemented (both the OS & the photo editor). 

Anyway please give it a go! 
Also I will be showing Lo-Fi Room at Busan Indie Connect this weekend, if any of you are nearby, please come along!

Files Play in browser
45 days ago

Get Image Archaeology: A Pictish Stone

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